Farenheit 451: A 'Mostly' Decent Read
Reading Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury almost immediately reminded me of Orwell's novel, 1984. The reader of today is probably already familiar with the plot or at least the archetype of the plot. So let me give a small (mostly spoiler free) synopsis of the book. The Plot We have the fireman, Guy Montag living in a dystopian future where the job of a fireman is to torch the source of all chaos in the world, books. His life changes when he does the forbidden act of reading the books he was supposed to burn. Followed by desperate efforts to find the meaning behind books and the 'why' of things, he lands up in a deeper rabbit hole which may threaten his freedom and even his life in a seemingly utopian world of ignorant happiness. --------------- More than the novel 1984, the book reminds me of a film that I had watched, Equilibrium (2002). Here, instead of a fireman we got a law enforcer 'cleric' whose job is to infiltrate and execute sense offenders (...