Thoughts on "Kingdom of Heaven" (2005)

After dozens of reels on Instagram, I finally decided to watch the movie “Kingdom of Heaven” directors cut. I had formerly watched the official version, but there’s something about medieval age war movies that pulls me back. The iron swords, chainmail armor, silky capes, bravery and bloodshed amidst epic music and whatnot. (a quick plot synopsis is jotted at the end, if you would like to know the story. In short, it is an epic historical drama under the premise of the Holy Crusades, narrating the tale of blacksmith Balian as he goes to Jerusalem to undergo his path to redemption) I don’t know where to start with this film. Not being a movie just about the siege of the city of Jerusalem, it dives deep into the politics associated within the Holy Kingdom itself. A topic as delicate as the conflict between religions is portrayed so efficiently that rooting for any side is just a matter of preference. Unlike the film “300” where the Spartans are shown as brave warriors who were a...