Very recently I came across the concept of 'the uncanny valley'. Reader beware! For it is no joke, although I am trying very much trying to convince myself otherwise. The idea in theory talks about relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. (hi five Wikipedia) In short we find a certain objects 'cute' and a few objects 'unsettling' no thanks to the great resemblance it has with humans. Here's a picture I stole from the internet. This kid is from the move "The Polar Express". Looks harmless right? Or does he? The longer you stare at the image it might seem unsettling. Okay maybe this seems easy. A similar feeling of uneasiness, perhaps the more profound one is visible in police sketches. The sketches appear perhaps more threatening than the accused himself. Here's another example from Reddit. Yes it is just a pic...