Very recently I came across the concept of 'the uncanny  valley'. Reader beware!  For it is no joke, although I am trying very much trying to convince myself otherwise. The idea in theory talks about  relation between an object's degree of resemblance to a human being and the emotional response to the object. (hi five Wikipedia) In short we find a certain objects 'cute'  and a few objects 'unsettling' no thanks to the great resemblance it has with humans. Here's a picture I stole from the internet.

    This kid is from the move "The Polar Express". Looks harmless right? Or does he? The longer you stare at the image it might seem unsettling. Okay maybe this seems easy. A similar feeling of uneasiness, perhaps the more profound one is visible in police sketches. The sketches appear perhaps more threatening than the accused himself. Here's another example from Reddit.

     Yes it is just a picture logically speaking but why does it unsettle the lot of us. I am not a believer of ghosts but it is these stuff that unsettles me. I always remember closing my eyes for every crime thriller movie that so as not to see the police sketch of the bad guy. Not jus limited to pictures. It could be dolls, mannequins, or even a fresh corpse. They are so much like us, yet they look right out from an alternate dimension filled with our deep subconscious fears, something so ghastly vivid and strange. Go on! Surf the internet if I managed to catch your interest.

     Why do we fear? Yes I could say nature this nature that. But let's look at this way. Imagine you have all the money in the world. All the influence in the world. Heck yes maybe even have a few men in suits to protect you, but are you really safe? Can one ever go to bed with a feeling of safety? At least without the fear of death or loss in any sense? The sword of Damocles swings gently right above our head.

     My room is on the second floor adjacent to a mango tree. One night I was staying up. I used to sleep early since I was younger and clamed to have been more responsible. It was late at night and I was rolling on the bed trying to get some sleep. I heard a disturbing noise. No, it wasn't some distant howls, shrieks or hisses. It was a lovebird chirping. The night was so quiet only to be disturbed by the irregular chirping of that bird. It felt like it was signifying something terrible about to happen.bWhy was something so normal and common making me so uneasy? Was it because it was not something that you can expect at that given time?

     Sometimes it is the people who deserve more fear than the paranormal. The greater majority of nightmares I had the year last were about people. Sometimes you are afraid to step outside even at broad daylight. You try to avoid eye contact, while searching for a familiar face in a crowd of strangers. Indeed the comfort of being  alone is not to be underestimated. But are we even without fear when alone? Aren't we afraid of any impending horror lurking behind a corner? Aren't we greeted by horrendous memories of our past?

     Here I am, going to watch The Office or perhaps the classic Mr. Bean trying to trick myself into the illusion of safety and comfort. Perhaps you are going to listen to your comfort songs or maybe even eat something familiar to your tastebuds. Goodnight!

P. S.  
        If you are someone like me having constant bouts with fear or anxiety, here's a tip I found on the internet long ago. Its something called grounding.

Look and identify 5 things around you.
Touch 4 things within your reach. Feel its texture.
Identify 3 sounds around you.
Smell any two objects if you can.
Try to taste something. 
 Finally ask to yourself what is going inside your head.

Its effective if are alone and feel like things are getting a bit fuzzy. If there's a friend nearby immediately ask for help. 


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