"A Whisper In Your Head"


Dear reader,

We’ve made it! Thirty days. Whew! 


      This will be my final entry for the 30th consecutive day dear reader. Exactly thirty days ago, our professor Dr. S. Samuel Rufus suggested in class that we take up a thirty-day blog writing challenge. The rules are simple. Be consistent and have at least 300 words in each blog. Since we did not have any exams on the horizon, I signed up, along with a couple of guys from our department.

      Now starting the blog, I was in high spirits. If you scroll down the blog, you can see my first entry, “The Mean Little Flower”. I had previously asked my professor some writing tips. He suggested that I find something that catches my attention, even if it be a silly thing. So yes, that was my first blog, the mean flower. I am very proud of that!

     I have tried to keep my blog as much related to literature as possible. It was interesting in the beginning as I could easily find out poems and stories that had stuck with me for a long time. Although yes there were occasional troubles in finding out the right topic, somehow in the last minute, a topic would spring out of nowhere. Writing requires a bit of effort since merely having a thought in your mind would not suffice. The writing and editing are parts of it.


      Now how was my experience? I would say that it was one of the most ambitious journeys that I have taken up and successfully completed. However, there are both upsides and downsides to it. Although there is only a 300-word limit, I often end up going beyond 500 words. The problem here is that you do easily end up spending too much energy and time that often you do end up procrastinating on other obligations. On the other hand, a better time management would help you a long way.

      A great experience I should say dear reader! You never know how the path goes unless you try it. As any great experience, you do end up learning a lot about yourself through the journey. And yes, the joy of completion is immaculate! My great respect for long term content creators.


    Dear reader, none of this would have been possible if you had not spared a few minutes of your time to read my everyday blog. To those who actively read my blogs, I am deeply grateful for your time and effort. Writing is just as energy consuming task as any other, and it would not have been possible without the little bit of motivation from you.


   I would also like to greatly thank our professor, Dr. S. Samuel Rufus, for the constant support and his appreciation by posting my blog everyday from as his WhatsApp status amidst his busy schedule. I would never have been able to finish the challenge if not for his constant backing up! It is a great initiative that would give the much-needed jumpstart for our creative writers. This reminds me, back in school, our principal had started a similar program that motivates students to read fifteen books a year. Also wishing luck to all the bloggers in my department yet to complete the challenge.


      What’s the best part of being a consistent blogger? Firstly, you get to learn a little bit more about literature every day, be it searching more about your topic, finding the right words for your thoughts. Sometimes you even learn a bit more about yourself as you reflect upon your thoughts at the end of the day. Forming a healthy habit is as hard as it sounds like, but with enough patience and a little bit of motivation, you can do it too!


      So that’s it, dear reader. This is a part where I do a neat little bow as the curtain closes thanking my audience for their patience. So, there you have it, dear reader. Thank you again for coming over here, I hope you had a lovely time reading my blogs. I shall still do blogs but not as frequently since we have a busy exam month coming up.



Much love dear reader…








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