
Its something that has been chiming in my head since I read Flights by Olga Tokarczuk.

I am at the end of my course and like everyone others, I too feel it. The fear of missing, the fear of failing, the fear of the great unknown. Its time to move on make new choices, new faces, new stories, new lives.

I think I'm gonna do the Frost even though I hate cliché (I really love this)

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth.

-The Road Not Taken

So back to the book. It speaks about travel, observations, anatomy, philosophy all mingled with main plots and unrelated subplots. At the end of the reading it all comes together like a jigsaw puzzle forming a bigger picture. One of the ideas is about how life is no less different than this. All of us living our own little stories, fighting our battles, crying, laughing, our subtle actions having enormous consequences with people who we may or may not ever meet in our little flicker of life.


Dear reader, as much poetic as I am trying to make it, it gets rough sometimes. We look at the stars think how little we are lost somewhere in one of the infinite corners of the universe.  


Welcome back to the world, you still have to choose your future. Still a lot of things to do. Afraid of the things you might never get to do.

I'm getting to my point, hold on. I've had a tough lesson today. You know sometimes that hard realization hits your face you pass through all five stages of grief, yes something like that. Time goes on. Life goes on. Everyone makes mistakes no matter what and that's okay. We move on.

We are afraid of changes. Afraid of losing something we have, afraid of moving ahead, afraid of even ourselves and the things beyond our control. But they are inevitable. If things never changed would we ever love anything as we do? Would we love spring if there was no winter? If there were no death would we love life?
Perhaps this is a blessing and a curse we have to go through like it or not, the changes...

Everyday is a new lesson. A new opportunity to grow, to make mistakes, to laugh about it and move on. It is delicate times we live in, but lets make the best of it. Jus keep in mind that you have the right to swing your arms right until where someone's nose begins.

Be respectful, be patient, and do what makes you happy and that includes making mistakes. At least you'll get to see how the road ends yourself.
Move on. Repeat. 

Some of my friends say I have my life planned on ahead already. I have a faint idea yes but to be honest I too cannot help but worry of what the future beholds. But hey it's not the end of the world. You got no one to prove anything except yourself. 

Keep pushing, dear reader!

(P.S. feel free to comment)



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