7:00 am

Good morning reader! Thing is my roommate had to leave at 5 for some affairs. Being a light sleeper, annoyingly here I am wide awake. 
I haven't seen the morning sun in so long, went to the roof, touched the dew drops when I suddenly got an Andrew Tate level motivation to write, so here I am. Let's talk about them video games!

To begin with I've only witnessed a little part of the great history of video games myself. I haven't been part of the ps2 era although I currently own one with no games to play with (insert sad face). Most of my earlier experience comes with pc games.

The oldest games I remember playing was them flash player games. They had these Bin Laden games no kidding. One of them is called Bomb Laden, the dude pops up in the desert and you bomb him. There was another where you get to beat him up till he died. Some propaganda shit and I had no clue who the man was.

Oof got to a bad start huh. Don't worry reader, it does not get worse hopefully. We had this operating system called linux which comes with tons of pre installed software. Lots of games over there. I remember playing tuxcart with my cousin (something like mariokart) all night when I stayed over there. Ah those late night gaming. I even remember sleeping at 4 and throwing up the next morning. (tmi)

Ah yes then it came. My dad finally got a pc. I watched as the IT guy set it up and when I politely asked if he had any games. With a smile he took out a CD bag. Its something like a paper file with plastic cases for CD and DVDs. I watched the screen as the CD whined inside the box. There it was. Vice City! Every cool kid had one. It was the most exquisite item one could get their hands on. The guy asked me if I knew the cheat codes. Me pretending to smart said I knew a few. I did know a few. You used to byheart them cos you always needed them. And then I went playing it over and over for god knows how many times that I remember every mission. The intro music still gives me the chills. Jus look it up on YouTube.

Later played lots of games from all categories till studies got tough. And tried them phone games too. It'd be a terrible monotonous lecture if I kept on narrating all the games I played.

So yeah what's the point in me going on and on about video games? Everyone's got a different childhood. I've been terrible with outdoor activities to be honest so yes it's created it's own world with its own experiences for me which I can never regret. The sense of achievement was super high especially with the effort put in with video games. Speaking of which... 

I have no hatred for the people who play these, but we deserve better right?

If you made it this far, thank you for the effort. Hope you have an amazing day.
Love yourself and keep pushing!

Until next time



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