Free Hour

So one of my professors gave us a suggestion to write about things we generally don't care to observe, say something like the morning break; not the people themselves but the idea of a break itself. Well,  I'm going to do exactly that. 

It's hard to decide whether getting a jump on the break because of a free hour is a blessing or a curse. Too many people aimlessly talking with each other. Good thing I brought my earphones. Sometimes not listening at all is better than listening everything. But hey I'm making this all about me.

For a start, it is chaos when you think about the orderly classes. We listen and shove it in our head(usually) during classes. On the other side we let ourselves run amok with imagination, gossip, chugging in snacks. Stimulus goes in, stimulus goes out. Breathe in, breathe out.

For some reason I'd rather find myself in here while classes occur. It seems hard to find a method in the madness of the break hour. The order, the predictability, the one directional nature, the peace, the calming voice of silence, the list never ends when you try. I'd rather find myself in the library but let's get this over with shall we. 

Chaos and order, order and chaos, two ever greener grasses on two sides of a valley. We are wary of the chaos in ourselves that we try to build houses, we pour concrete and stones around us just to know we are somewhere. Reminds me of the sigh of relief that Bear Grills does as finds a pair of tracks or a bonfire. However we do find ourselves in a predicament. One day we realize the illusion we created for ourselves. Then follows the vain struggle to escape the chokehold we have put upon ourselves. 

Strayed too far now didn't I? Well, where do I find myself in the midst of all this? Certainly not in a balance that's for sure. Not yet at least. It's either the catacombs of order or the the endless wilderness. 

Let me know your thoughts. 
Until next time


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