A Bird Came Down

Dear reader,
   Yesterday on my "Internet Sobriety" challenge, I spotted a little pigeon who sought refuge at my window. For some reason I felt something magical surrounding this bird, so I kept watching.....

        "A pigeon rested upon my window sill. Such a majestic bird! It looked at me with its blood red eyes making sure I do not pose any threat to her majesty. Although it's feathers were of an uninteresting grey, it is its neck that fascinates me. The neck has got a vibrant yet composed stroke of reflective purple and grey feathers which looked like it was stolen from a fish. She fixed her feathers, braiding her coat top to bottom. It seemed as though no feather was free from her extravagant fancy routine. 

       Oh wait, it looks at me now, I'm not a bad person dear pigeon, I promise. I'm just baffled by your beauty. Everyone thinks you look perfect in white. Well, no, you are complete when you wear black. I wouldn't be surprised if you are plotting some evil world dominating plan while you're sitting here, watching me. 

      I slowly sneaked closer to the unsuspecting bird to take a picture. Got it! 
Now she is more suspicious of me. Or perhaps she is now offended since I took one without her consent. Petty human!

      She does her finishing touches to her feathers as she is ready to leave. She looks at me as if to say goodbye, or that's what I hope she's thinking. Or maybe I broke her trust when I took the picture. 

     With a loud flutter she flies away. Now that her routine is complete, she's probably going away to get something to eat or perhaps to meet some other delusional person like me who would admire such a silly bird like her. "

Hope you enjoyed reading this
Until next time dear reader!


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