Random Musings at a Park

September 1, 2023

I found this really charming park in the middle of Egmore. It's just about the size of three basketball courts but has a lot of shady trees and was more welcoming than it had any right to be. 

Yesterday we had this talk in class regarding Kyd's Spanish Tragedy. I haven't read the work myself but I was told that it set the tone for revenge plays, the bloody poetic justice, an eye for an eye idea, you get it. It's weird when you think about it, what's stopping 8 billion souls on a claustrophobic ball from doing what they actually want. Why do we enjoy watching the most brutal gore on TV while we fetter ourselves from doing a miniscule of that ourselves? We celebrate tales of murderers, arsonists, crime lords and empathise with them as their wings engulf in flames and collapse to a fiery death. 

Jus look at any character of Shakespeare for that matter. He has managed to 'humanise' the evilest of characters. Take Macbeth, he betrayed his followers, killed the noble king, murdered a child and whatnot but in the end we managed to feel sorry for him as he was decapitated. Milton made Lucifer look like a superhero perhaps more glorified than the angels themselves. 

To be frank I do not have the faintest idea on what to say about this. It is truly hard to jusifty any side for this matter. One could go all Machiavellian and say nothings a crime until you get caught. Or you could be the rest of us, holding yourself by ideals or just afraid. Perhaps I'm not old enough to think about it. 
My apologies if you feel dissappointed. Just something to think about. 

Until next time, dear reader


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