"A Whisper In Your Head"

Dear reader, We’ve made it! Thirty days. Whew! This will be my final entry for the 30 th consecutive day dear reader. Exactly thirty days ago, our professor Dr. S. Samuel Rufus suggested in class that we take up a thirty-day blog writing challenge. The rules are simple. Be consistent and have at least 300 words in each blog. Since we did not have any exams on the horizon, I signed up, along with a couple of guys from our department. Now starting the blog, I was in high spirits. If you scroll down the blog, you can see my first entry, “The Mean Little Flower”. I had previously asked my professor some writing tips. He suggested that I find something that catches my attention, even if it be a silly thing. So yes, that was my first blog, the mean flower. I am very proud of that! I have tried to keep my blog as much related to literature as possible. It was inte...